What’s Your Stance on Screen Time? Here’s Ours!

We were firm believers in NO screen time until two and minimal time for preschoolers. Although we still believe in limiting screen time, it can be appropriate and a great tool to enhance learning. We just have to be discerning about what they watch and how they interact with it. Nowadays, with screens everywhere, it’s not realistic to have toddlers and preschoolers avoid them altogether.
As a parent, you hold the key to making screen time a beneficial learning tool for your toddler. Your active participation is crucial. When you play with them, sing the songs, act out the moves, and discuss what they are seeing, you are creating a rich learning environment. Using apps like Facetime to connect with grandparents and other real people is a wonderful way to make screen time interactive and educational for toddlers. Interactive screen time for young children is about watching and engaging.

Toddlers benefit from slower-paced programming, while preschoolers thrive on fast-paced, big-body movement. The term’ joint media engagement ‘encapsulates this interactive approach, where you interact with your child around screens just as you would with other media. This not only enhances their learning but also strengthens your bond with them. Screen time should be open-ended and responsive, like all other activities you provide for your child. The play should be child-led, not app-led. There are resources available to help you find appropriate apps for any age. Visit https://www.commonsensemedia.org/ for a free account. It’s okay to use screen time when you need a moment to yourself. There’s no need to feel guilty.

A little ‘just for fun’ screen time can be a sanity-saver for you, and it won’t harm your child. Remember, taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your child