Blog: Parenting Tips


Water Safety

Did you know that drowning is the leading cause of death in children? We can all do our part to ensure the safety of children (and adults) by following a few rules and being cautious while having some summer fun. Twenty-three percent of children’s drownings occur during family gatherings near a pool, while most adult […]

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Screen Time

Lately, screen time for children has been a very hot button issue. Many people are very divided on where they stand with screen time, but most people agree that screen time before 2 should be extremely limited. Ages 0-2 are known as the “critical period”. Children’s brains are developing very rapidly and are very sensitive […]

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Fire Safety

Fire safety week is a week observed every October in commemoration of the Great Chicago Fire that occurred between October 8th-10th in 1871. This year, Fire Safety week falls on October 6th and ends October 12th. During this week, it is very important that families go over the evacuation plans, and if you don’t have […]

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Music and Movement

Music and movement plays a very important role in a child’s development. It has many benefits including social, mental and physical development and language growth. Group music class helps develop and refine children’s social skills, and here at the Cathance Children’s Center we are lucky to be able to offer enrolled children music class with […]

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Sensory Play

Birth to early childhood is a time when children are growing, learning, and developing at a very rapid pace. It is our job as your children’s caregivers to support them and provide opportunities for them to do this every day. One of the ways we support this is through something called sensory play. Using their […]

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Playdough and Fine Motor Development

Children of every age are constantly learning and growing each day. As teachers, it is our job to help guide and lead your child the best we can. One of the skills that children need to learn are fine motor skills. Fine motor skills are all the movements made by the small muscles in the […]

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You may have heard the term “STEM” a lot lately, but what does it mean? STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and math and has become increasingly popular in early childhood education. Birth through age five are the most critical years in neurological and brain development and fostering an interest early on is crucial and […]

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